Monday, January 27, 2014

iPads in the News

Here is an article regarding iPads in the recent edition of the Corvallis Advocate.  I also wrote the editor a letter.  See below.

Dear Corvallis Advocate Staff,

Just a quick note of appreciation. As the principal of a school piloting iPads here in Corvallis (Linus Pauling Middle School), it’s been a very busy first half of the school year.  Although we piloted tablet technology during the previous year (about 200), moving to a 1:1 environment has been a very complex initiative for our students, parents, staff, and community!  As you shared, there have been many positives stories and also challenges. 

Last year, we hosted tours for the Leadership Corvallis civic group and they were very complementary of what they saw both with technology and without it in our classrooms.  We have the group coming again on Tuesday, Feb. 13th.  My staff and I look forward to opening our classrooms to the community.  

Obviously, I have a unique insight as a “classroom supervisor” in my admin. duties and speak regularly with students, staff, and parents.  It has been interesting hearing the various views and interpretations from our community stakeholders less connected with how technology is actually integrated in classroom instruction. 

Last Friday after a long week, my family and I went to go grab a bite at Block 15 before the OSU women’s basketball game.  While waiting for a seat, I noticed the recent issue of the Corvallis Advocate. I chuckled flipping through when I saw not one but two iPad stories…tongue in cheek, I told my wife “I can’t escape.” 

I was uncertain what would be captured in the articles.  “Unchartered waters” can be a little scary for everyone and I found both your articles to be well-crafted and balanced.  Thank you for taking the time to speak with educators, the board, and parents—it was evident that you truly listened and did some homework (perhaps even with technology).  I think your writer’s suggestions for our district moving forward are excellent.  We are truly listening and passionately desire to see our early adolescent students increasingly engaged with access to information, communication skills, organized, etc. all while being really good humans (including digital citizens).  It’s a tall order, but I think worth the effort—even if I can’t escape it J

Most Sincerely, Eric Beasley 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

February/March 2014 Newsletter

Dear Pauling Pride Community,
When my extended family joins together, I will occasionally hear my nieces and nephews talking about school.  With representation of different grades and school systems in Oregon, I can’t help but jump in on their conversation.  Careful to avoid any appearance of an unsolicited “Uncle Eric (the principal) focus group,” I listen and prompt enough to keep the conversation from steering elsewhere.  While intrigued at how changes in education are viewed, I mostly enjoy hearing about what they are excited to learn about in school.  Creative learning opportunities seem to be the favorite especially authentic simulations connected to “the real world.”  As examples,  my 4th grade nephew was completely engaged in the Oregon Trail experience and my high school niece was quite successful with her stock exchange project! 
Of course I also hear the moaning and groaning toward less favorable aspects of school such as tests ranging from learning multiplication facts, vocabulary, or high stakes assessments such as the SAT, which is part of the college entrance process.  As you hopefully know, education reform in recent decades has included adoption of performance standards and assessment of student growth toward learning standards.  While accountability measures have increased, it is not unique to the K-12 education system.  For example, testing is required to drive a car, become a certified mechanic, sell real estate, or pass “the bar” to practice law.   Demonstrating a proficiency of standards is critical in order to move forward in many paths. 
As we move into spring, our students at LPMS will take a benchmark assessment called the OAKS (Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) in the areas of math and reading (also science for 8th grade).  This is the final year for OAKS (reading and math) as we transition to an assessment called Smarter Balanced, which is aligned to the state adopted Common Core Standards.  Unlike the multiple-choice only format of the OAKS, Smarter Balanced challenges students by assessing students in a variety of ways.  To learn more about the Smarter Balanced assessment, there is a wealth of information online at 
As with most things in life, taking a test is a learned skill.  We would be remiss to not give our students exposure as we prepare for the OAKS assessment.  That said, we also believe that an emphasis on the whole child with engaging instruction are incredibly important to prepare our students to succeed.  These are the rigorous, yet student-centered memorable experiences that are most enriching.   If like my family, your children may have expressed a range of emotion from uneasiness to anxiety regarding tests, here are a few tips to consider:
-Preparation for tests should begin on the first day of class; this includes paying attention during class, taking good notes, studying, completing assignments and reviewing study materials on a regular basis
 -Get plenty of rest and eat at regular meals (breakfast, lunch, etc.).  Having food in your stomach will give you energy and help you focus.  Try to avoid heavy foods, which can make you groggy.
-Use the restroom before your test. You don't want to waste time worrying about your bodily needs during the test.
-Stay relaxed and confident. Keep a good attitude and remind yourself that you are going to do your best and make growth!  If you find yourself panicking, take a few deep breaths.
-Read directions carefully to avoid careless errors. Review and check to see that you have not made any errors or mis-marked any answers.
Thank you for taking time to read communications from school and partnering with us in helping your child not only prepare for college and career, but a contributing citizen, future leader, and life-long learner. 
Go Pride and Go Beavs,


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy New Year!

Dear Pauling Pride Families,

Happy New Year!  I hope you were able to enjoy some special time with family and friends.  While on lunch duty and out in the halls this week, I’ve enjoyed visiting with our students and hearing their stories from winter break.  A big kudos to our band and choir groups for playing beautifully at our assembly on Dec. 20th.  We have tremendously talented students at LPMS!  Speaking of fine arts, our students have once again filled our front foyer with beautiful pieces on display.  Take a moment to look next time you visit!

While speaking with LPMS art teacher, Claudia Hall, she lit up while describing a project she is planning for spring with all 6th graders to design and create unique African Mud Cloth.  This project will be done in collaboration with our social studies Africa unit.  The funding for supplies and additional time for Mrs. Hall to teach all 6th graders for a week is just one example of how we use resources from Make Your Mark.  Thank you supportive LPMS community!

I’m excited to report that we currently have raised over $13,000 toward our goal of $15,000.  We extended our campaign until January 17th due to our weather closures in December.  We are so close to our goal!  A BIG thank you to those that have already contributed and it’s not too late if you haven’t had the opportunity.  Our final collection day for prizes will be January 17th!