Dear Pauling Pride Families,
Happy New Year! I hope you were able to enjoy some special time with family and friends. While on lunch duty and out in the halls this week, I’ve enjoyed visiting with our students and hearing their stories from winter break. A big kudos to our band and choir groups for playing beautifully at our assembly on Dec. 20th. We have tremendously talented students at LPMS! Speaking of fine arts, our students have once again filled our front foyer with beautiful pieces on display. Take a moment to look next time you visit!
While speaking with LPMS art teacher, Claudia Hall, she lit up while describing a project she is planning for spring with all 6th graders to design and create unique African Mud Cloth. This project will be done in collaboration with our social studies Africa unit. The funding for supplies and additional time for Mrs. Hall to teach all 6th graders for a week is just one example of how we use resources from Make Your Mark. Thank you supportive LPMS community!
I’m excited to report that we currently have raised over $13,000 toward our goal of $15,000. We extended our campaign until January 17th due to our weather closures in December. We are so close to our goal! A BIG thank you to those that have already contributed and it’s not too late if you haven’t had the opportunity. Our final collection day for prizes will be January 17th!