Friday, October 25, 2013

Update from Mr. Beasley

Dear LPMS Community,

I hope you are having a great Friday.  The purpose of this communication is to update you on several items including safety, an upcoming school-wide trip to OSU, and our iPad program called 1:World.  Before addressing those topics, I want to share that recently LPMS had our first school-wide assembly of the year.  I truly enjoyed the opportunity to be together as a school community.  Our staff and student participation was awesome! 


Today during our PRIDE period, we practiced a lock down drill.  Along with our monthly fire drills, we conduct two earthquake drills each year (fall and spring), and at least one lock down drill.  It is incredibly troubling that the unthinkable happened again this week in Nevada.  While a lock down is an important safety tool that we practice, it is also important that we give your child information if they are in a situation with imminent danger such as an active shooter at a mall, community building, a house of worship, or in a school.  We use information from the Department of Homeland Security and address it in as developmentally appropriate manner as possible.           

School-Wide Trip to OSU

Thanks to our Make Your Mark direct donation drive, we are again planning a community building trip to OSU.  LPMS students and staff through a partnership with Oregon State University, will be traveling to OSU on Nov. 15 to attend an OSU Women's basketball game vs. Sacramento State.  There is no admission fee to the game.  This is a great opportunity for LP students to visit a university campus.  OSU also integrates an academic component. Permission forms will be coming home with students the week of November 4th. Watch for more information to follow!

We will be looking for 15 (five from each grade level) parent volunteers to help at the event at OSU on Nov. 15 from 10:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.  Volunteers will be given free entrance to the game.  We use a great online tool called VolunteerSpot to sign up volunteers.  You don't need an account to use this tool.  If you would like to help, click here, enter your name, email and pick which grade you would like to support. All volunteers working with/around students must also have a school verified Criminal History Background Check (CHBC).  If you haven't yet completed a 509j CHBC within the last two school years, then there is still time to complete this process. To start, go to LPMS Volunteers and complete the online Criminal Background Check form.  The form takes about two weeks to process. Feel free to sign up to volunteer through VolunteerSpot and we will verify that your CHBC has cleared just before the event.

1:World Update

We are continuing to prepare for our iPad program at Linus Pauling Middle School.  The next student iPad bootcamp is scheduled to be Oct. 28 at LPMS.  The Linus Pauling student iPad checkout (i.e. roll-out)  is on schedule for Nov. 4th (grade 8), Nov. 5th (grade 7), and Nov. 7th (grade 6).  Testing of the global proxy has been completed by Apple, Technology and other designated District office staff.  Currently, the global proxy will apply the same basic CIPA-compliant to the iPads when they connect to the Internet outside the District’s network.  Technology is working with LBL ESD on adding more filter rules in time for the rollouts in early November.  The middle school iPads are being re-configured into Supervise mode which will prevent the global proxy from being deleted by students.  Technology Specialist Darren Bland has been working with our staff on training with device management and instructional enhancement.  Answers to the FAQ from our recent iPad night have been posted on the district website.  Here is the link to the district page:

We’ll see you at conferences next week! 

Sincerely, Eric