Great News for the Pauling Pride Garden!
Dear Pauling Pride Community,
I’m excited to inform you of a new partner we have with the Linus Pauling Institute to connect our students to our school garden. LPI's Candace Russo and Sydney Henderson have already begun to get their “hands dirty” planning and preparing for an active spring. These two fantastic educators bring nearly 20 years of experience with natural resources and environmental education. Our school is incredibly excited to have the passion and expertise of LPI in our garden program. We also will continue to have support from Ellen Tappon and the Benton County Master Gardeners.
On the Friday prior to spring break, my Pride class went out to the garden with Sydney and took some soil samples and then worked on pulling some weeds in the beds. To be completely honest, I wasn’t sure how my 8th graders were going to respond to this surprise activity, but they had a great time and the old adage “many hands make for light work” proved true. Gardening with friends and of course, worms and sow bugs were the highlight. Sydney will be coming on Tuesday and Thursdays to work with students before, during, and after lunch. Money raised from the Make Your Mark Campaign help fund needs such as soil for our garden…thank you for your ongoing support of our great programs at Linus Pauling.
-Eric Beasley